Candy Burn Third Update - Progress For v0.7

Currently Developing The Assets Required.

Here is some update that we have done in the past 2 weeks, there is so much changes and iterations that we have to redo most of the work, changing from Open GL 3.0 to Open GL 2.0 for stability issues, restructuring the map, fixing annoying shaky analog bugs, and finally determining the assets required.
So here you go :)

Props Sketches

So here is some sketches from our visual art team.
There is the palm tree, according to the pictures of Gedung Sate, there are some palm trees over there. So we try to make some palm trees too with some candy Apocalypse feel to it. 
There is also barbed wire, and ANGKOT :)

Here is Our Progress On The Tileset, Soon to Be Implemented With Other Fixes.

Tileset Lists

So here is some tileset that we want to implement into the game.
There it goes, there is the Gedung Sate, the gardens, the other building, the grounds, holes, and we're still adding some more. 
Please do give us some feedbacks if you find it interesting :) 

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